Play is essential to childhood – to development, to exploration and to learning. The Phoenix Elementary School District understands the importance of play and is revitalizing many of the playgrounds to add more opportunities for children to get the most out of play! Using the Mohave Educational Services Cooperative, they were able to streamline the purchasing process and get to the fun of playground design!
Having areas where children can move, socialize and release energy helps them learn better during classroom time. A study by IPEMA’s Voice of Play initiative found that 100 percent of teachers said recess is essential for young students’ mental and physical development. The educators surveyed went on to say that kids’ behaviors changed positively after recess. This is a huge plus for play and means that the students in the Phoenix Elementary School District are going to be exposed to a social network where they learn valuable everyday life lessons about interacting with others, develop cognitive skills, release physical energy and get much-needed outdoor time and exercise.
The new play environments will be a welcome addition to students and provide hours of play. Garfield Elementary, the first of four projects in downtown Phoenix, is in an industrial area where there is limited park play and access to open space. Adding these four play areas to what could be considered a bit of a play desert will provide a safe haven for area kids who would otherwise not have a play area in their neighborhoods. We are so excited to be part of this project with Play It Safe Playgrounds – the Burke Exclusive Representative Partner in AZ and southern NV!
Learn more about the IPEMA Voice of Play study at!